Friday, October 9, 2009

Trying to earn some $ from home

So I love staying home with my son. It's heaven being able to watch him grow during the day, and not just in the evenings while I'm making dinner, after a full day of work, and then rushing him off to bed so I can have some down time. I do not blame women who work, it's the real world and mothers work. It's great to have some adult interaction and make something of yourself. I've just personally enjoyed staying home raising my boy.

I'm trying to figure out ways to make money from home. I am very Internet savvy and can usually spot a scam from a mile away. They are everywhere. People! Pay attention to what you're clicking on and where you are entering your credit card or banking information. I see many site where it says you can try things for only a minimal cost (weight loss pills, online eBay selling tools, make $ with google, etc.) and if you look at the fine print you can see that they will start charging you anywhere from $10-$100 per month!!! to use they're services. Don't be stupid! If it sounds to good to be true.. it is. And watch out for cheesy graphics.
Here are some skeevy looking sites:

This website lets people posts their ripoffs. Look on here before you try things online

I'm going to try a couple of things that I've done a lot of research on and I will let everyone know if I've had any luck. Please let me know if you've had any luck with at home jobs. In the mean time, I'm still applying for "real" jobs and hopefully I'll find something to make it worth putting my little Jake in daycare.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


My poor little Jake and his sore gums. I can see the shape of these handy little tools that are about to pop out of his gums. They are such needed things yet so painful to break that surface. They are such a strange thing. Some people have NEVER had a cavity or issues with their teeth. Yet others are set to the torture of these "dentists". I've had a miserable past with my teeth. I have something called "soft teeth" causing a festering breeding field of cavities. Dentists see me coming in the door and they're already on the phone with the insurance company checking into my coverage. Scavengers. Goodnight all.

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6th, well actually 7th

Can't sleep.

My husband took a job in Virginia. He's living with my Aunt temporarily in Maryland until we sell our home in Pennsylvania. And now I'm visiting family in New York. This whole situation is just insane.

UGH! I just want to get down there. Why aren't more people looking at smaller homes? Right now is THE best time to buy. Prices are falling. Get the interest rate before they skyrocket. And there's a $5000 tax credit for first time homebuyers. We'd look at more properties in the area that we're looking to move, but what's the point? They'll be off the market before we can do anything.

I don't want this blog to be JUST about me venting.. but hey, if it helps.

So, my little guy is teething and boy is he pissed. I gave him some tylenol and some teething medicine but god, I have not seen him cry like that EVER. Just tears. It's so sad when they get those tears. You just want to kiss them all away. You know that they grow up not remembering a single tear but you still have that fear of being a bad mom. Maybe I'll get over it as he grow older, and he fakes being sick for school. Cries when I yell at him for breaking something. After it all, I think it'll still tear at my heart when I see his face get red and the tears start streaming.